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Agricultural rock wool board

Bosheng agricultural rock wool board has very good functions of water absorption and water retention by adding some special components in the production process of rock wool. The agricultural rock wool board has good chemical stability and no toxicity and pollution, and thus, is the important planting substrate of modern agricultural production. By cooperating with the drop irrigation and other modern technologies, the growth rate of crops can be substantially improved, the production efficiency and quality of crops can be improved, and the production cost can be reduced. The product is divided into Bosheng agricultural rock wool, and can meet the need at the different stages from breeding and raising seedlings to crop growing and others.

농업용 락울판

산과정에 특수성분을 넣어 아주 좋은 흡수 및 보수기능을 갖추도록 하는 것이며 농업용락울판은 양호한 화학온정성을 갖추고 있고 독성과 오염이 없으며 현대농업생산에서 중요한 재배기재이기도 합니다.  점적관수 등 현대화 기술과 배합하여 농작물의 생장속도를 대폭적으로 제고하며 생산효율과 농작물 질량을 제고하고 생산성본을 낮추게 됩니다. 제품은 육종, 육묘, 농작물 생장 등 부동한 단계의 수요를 만족시켜 줍니다.

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Product code BS50 BS70 BS80 BS50 BS70 BS80
Nominal density(Kg/m3) 50 70 80 50 70 80
Size(L*W)(mm) 1200*600 200*200
Thickness(mm) 40-100 40-200

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